Monday, June 14, 2010

Week Three Weigh-In and Challenge

We have made it to the beginning of week three. The weigh-in this morning was a close one again, but I (Laura) won by .2 percent. Jay lost a total of 5 pounds and 5 inches and I lost a total of 3 pounds and 2 inches.

For the challenge this morning we had to run and drop one ball at a time by someone’s name that we wanted to eliminate. Once you received 10 balls by your name you were out. The last person standing got to pick a number 1 through 13 to see what mine or Jay’s consequence would be.

I was able to get 5 balls by Jay’s name before I was eliminated losing the challenge. Jera (our daughter) came in first picking number 5. Jay won the challenge and my consequence for the week is I have to walk to the gym all week.
This is going to be a strong week for us. I have a 6 pound goal this week and Jay wants to lose 10 pounds. We will be counting EVERY calorie, eating VERY health and spending A LOT of time in the gym.

Hope you enjoy the video!!!

Blessings from our family to yours!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot for more weight lost! Fun video... hope to join in some time!
